Sawangan Beach Kebumen - Jateng - Indonesia

Sawangan beach is one of the beautiful beaches located in Kebumen, there are many beautiful views that you can find there.

Photoshop Editor

these are some of my work from college, so much fun.

Corel Draw

logo? or what I have in mind and I cross it into the picture.


I wanna be happy , look Here

Mobil Legend MLBB

do you like MLBB games? Maybe you should try it.

Trip On Sawangan beach , Kebumen

Pantai Sawangan, Terletak di kecamatan Ayah kabupaten Kebumen profinsi Jawa tengah
Pantai dipesisir selatan ini sangat indah.
disisi Pantai kita bisa menemukan air terjun yang begitu menawan,
mari kita lihat 

Aldebaran unyu

My son..Aldebaran 👦
Mojo,Pakis kec.Tambakromo Kab.Pati , Jateng